Feel the excitement as scientists dig bones and entire bodies of ice-age giants out of the melting Siberian permafrost! Travel 10,000 years back in time and see woolly mammoths come to life in their natural environment, thanks to cutting-edge computer imaging based on extraordinary collaborations between the worlds leading mammoth experts. Youll marvel at unique adaptations and behavioral quirks that helped the huge, furry, longtusked mammal survive until it finally fed, clothed and even housed our hunting ancestors.
.Feel the excitement as scientists dig bones and entire bodies of ice-age giants out of the melting Siberian permafrost! Travel 10,000 years back in time and see woolly mammoths come to life in their natural environment, thanks to cutting-edge computer imaging based on extraordinary collaborations between the worlds leading mammoth experts. Youll marvel at unique adaptations and behavioral quirks that helped the huge, furry, longtusked mammal survive until it finally fed, clothed and even housed our hunting ancestors.
Global warming is revealing some strange secrets about our planet's past inhabitants. Long buried under frozen ground, as the Siberian permafrost melts, woolly mammoth remains - from bones to complete bodies - are being exposed. Scientists around the world are using these remains to uncover astonishing new information about this extinct giant's physiology, behavior and environment. Ice Age Mammoths brings these ground- breaking discoveries together and, using cutting edge CGI, brings the mammoth and its environment back to life for the first time in 10,000 years.